Air port Security

When you take a flight at a number of airports around the whole world, it may be necessary to go through an electronic body x-ray scan.

Most of passengers have expressed concern about exposure to x-rays radiation.

There are also worries because new electronic use the scan to shows the passenger naked.As a reaction, some of airports now offer to passengers the option of a physical body examination to take the place of a full body scan and they have the choice.
Most of passengers have become upset because in other countries it's  easy go throw a physical examination than American airports is much more thorough.

American Senior Security Official John Pistole says that if people trying to get home to be with their loved ones for the holidays they have to stop keep protesting against the measures slows things down for them.

Protersters have claimed their constitutional rights that american citizens have concerned with it.

A US citizen, John Tyner, after being thrown out of an airport for refusing to let the security guard touch his groin during physical examination has become very famous.

And for the people who are protesting against this thorough physical examination at airports he is now a new folk hero.

What do you think of airport security? Are we as US citizen have rights being abused?