Jobs today

There's no time for relaxing today; it's the work programme 
We're talking about jobs today.

We're asking people: if you could swap jobs with anyone for a day, what job would you do
Here are some of the answers we got:
- I'd be working for MI5
- I think I'd like to be an archeologist but in the 1920s because all the good stuff's already been found now
- I'd like to be a horticulturalist for a day

I may be an actor. But just for one day. Or a fashion designer and that's my dream.
- A singer - because I love singing.
- I like my job - architecture is an amazing job

Cath and Karim talk about some phrases with the word work in them:
- A common expression is to get down to work ; you might hear someone say "I must get off the phone and get down to work!"
- Some people get worked up about exams; but if you're lucky you'll make short work of them